Dr. M.R. Jaykar Employibility Skill Programmme

In association with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune our college organize Dr. M. R. Jayakar Employability Skills Programme ( previously named as Soft Skills Development Programme) for third year degree students. It is a three month programme in which students participate actively. The main aim of this programme is to develop effective communication skill, presentation skill, confidence level & behavior of the students. There are 20 offline and 40 online lectures. In this programme, we organize offline lectures on the topics like as Creative thinking, Interview Skills,Goal setting, Leadership and Teamwork, Communication Skills: listening and speaking,Cocept of money saving, Investment,Insurance and taxes etc. The lectures are given by experts of other colleges. The 40 online lectures are conducted are on the topics which would prove beneficial for their future carrier. Students gain tremendous knowledge, high level of confidence which help them upgrade themselves in their carrier as well as society.
Committee Members -
1. Dr. Megha Bhamare - Chairman
2. Prof..Valmik Indase - Member
3. Dr. Rupali Shinde - Member
4. Smt. Leena Mahajan - Member
5. Shri. Sachin Shinde -Member